Wednesday, July 13, 2011

APPSC Group II Exam Mock Test – II

01. Which of the following country is not a part of ITER project ?
  • 1. India
  • 2. Australia
  • 3 USA
  • 4. South Korea
02. ITER project, which is to produce electric energy is commissioned at .....
  • 1. Chernobyl (Ukrain)
  • 2. Florida (USA)
  • 3. Koodankulam (India)
  • 4. Cadarache (France)
03. How much money India, as a member of ITER project is contributing towards the project ?
  • 1. 10% of total expenditure
  • 2. 20% of total expenditure
  • 3. 30% of total expenditure
  • 4. 40% of total expenditure
04. ITER project works on the principle of ?
  • 1. Nuclear Fission
  • 2. Nuclear Fusion
  • 3. Combination of both
  • 4. None of the above
05. First woman Space tourist and also the first muslim woman, Anousheh Ansari(40), who paid $ 20 million for the space ride belongs to the following country ?
  • 1. USA
  • 2. Pakistan
  • 3. Soudi Arabia
  • 4. Iran
06. How many women astronauts made space walk so far, including Sunitha L. Williams who is presently in ISS ?
  • 1. 4
  • 2. 5
  • 3. 7
  • 4. 9
07. GLONASS, (Global Navigation Satellite System) is a counter part of USA's GPS (Global positioning System) belongs to the following country. ?
  • 1. European Union
  • 2. China
  • 3. Japan
  • 4. Russia
08. Which of the following country made an agreement with Russia to share the information from the GLONASS (Russian GPS) ?
  • 1. China
  • 2. Japan
  • 3. Ukrain
  • 4. India
09. GAGAN, which stands for GPS and GEO Augmented Navigation belong to which of the following country ?
  • 1. India
  • 2. Pakistan
  • 3. South Africa
  • 4. Brazil
10. Which of the following is the European Union's Global positioning system ?
  • 1. GLONASS
  • 2. GAGAN
  • 3. GALILEO
  • 4. None of the above

1)2, 2)4, 3)1, 4)2, 5)1, 6)4, 7)4, 8)4, 9)1, 10)3

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